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Video Contest – March 2022

Contest End Date: 12 midnight on Friday, 25 March 2022

Title: How I meet my first Manta
Author: Maria Bereozka
Votes: 0

Views: 223
Description: It was an unexpected and most pleasant meeting in the Red Sea. It was a rainy day and a very rough sea with a strong current. BUT I needed to be filled with the positive energy of the sea and swim on that particular day. I started my swim from the Reef Oasis Beach Resort, where there is a diving center Reef Oasis where I took all my diving courses and I can call this place my home. It has the best atmosphere and instructors in all of Sharm El Sheikh! I went from the Temple dive site towards the Ras Um Sid dive site and somewhere in front of the El Fanar hotel I literally stumbled upon this beauty. My happiness knew no bounds, the mantle not only did not float away from me, but actively swam with me, rising from the depths of the Red Sea to me. There was not a single ship or person in the sea. We sailed together to Ras Um Sid and there we came across a group of divers from the Circle Diving Center, which included Nicole Rossi. We almost simultaneously sent a letter with information about this manta to the MANta Trust database. But Nicole was literally ahead of me by a couple of hours and this beauty was given the name Circle after the name of the diving center. I have many more videos with her, so stay tuned!

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