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Bio :
Harry Hayward is a PADI Instructor, TDI Instructor and TDI/SDI Instructor Trainer. He has assisted as a deep support diver / adviser on world record projects such as the women's deepest wreck dive and countless other deep mix projects in the Red Sea, and has a vast amount of experience...
Bio :
Mark Harris SCUBA dives, takes photographs underwater, writes and freedives. He has been 4 times UK freediving champion and teaches / coaches freediving when not writing about it. His first book is in production, and should be available in 2014.
Bio :
Charlie Hudson is the author of Deadly Doubloons, Islands in the Sand: An Introduction to Artificial Reefs in the US, and other dive-themed novels and non-fiction. She and her husband, Hugh, are both retired Army and live in South Florida where they pursue their “fun” second careers. You can see...

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