Each year the magical, Caribbean island of Barbados holds a festival to celebrate scuba diving, free diving and marine conservation. This year, Nick and Caroline went...
Each year the magical, Caribbean island of Barbados holds a festival to celebrate scuba diving, free diving and marine conservation. This year, Nick and Caroline went...
Each year the magical, Caribbean island of Barbados holds a festival to celebrate scuba diving, free diving and marine conservation. This year, Nick and Caroline went...
In this ongoing series, we speak to the people who run dive centres, resorts and liveaboards from around the world about their businesses and the diving...
Wounded veterans are carried out a series of dives last week on the wreck of the battleship HMS Montagu to determine what remains of the wreck...
Book your autumn or winter diving holiday now with an unforgettable trip to the beautiful island of Cyprus and save up to €200 per person on...
In this ongoing series, we speak to the people who run dive centres, resorts and liveaboards from around the world about their businesses and the diving...
Mark Milburn’s Cornish Wreck Ramblings are back! This week: The mystery of the Burnside… Locally the name “Burnside”, has caused arguments in families and cost some...
In this ongoing series, we speak to the people who run dive centres, resorts and liveaboards from around the world about their businesses and the diving...
In this video shot exclusively for Scubaverse.com on location in Cornwall, Mark Milburn of Atlantic Scuba talks to Jeff Goodman about a U-Boat mystery that lasted...
The Dutch Dive the North Sea Clean Foundation (DtNC) departed last week for their 12th diving expedition in the North Sea aboard the Cdt. Fourcault. Expedition...
Divers off Cornwall have discovered cannons and an anchor thought to be from one of the richest ships ever to wreck against these shores. In 1684...