Reconnecting with Nature Through Unforgettable Underwater Experiences Behind the Mask, a leading underwater film production company and vibrant community, is excited to announce the launch of...
Join Indigo Safaris for an incredible dive adventure at the Revillagigedo Islands Archipelago with a group of fun and experienced divers! Get up close to giant...
Just a few days ago, Iceland issued millionaire whale hunter Kristján Loftsson a licence to murder 128 vulnerable fin whales. Fin whales are awe-inspiring — capable...
Environmentalists and broadcasters Chris Packham, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, and Amanda Holden today called on a UK satellite company to stop providing GPS data to fisheries that puts...
Protecting the country’s whales sequesters as much carbon as taking 5,000 cars off the road every year – it also bolsters the local economy and paves...
A guest blog from PADI to mark World Whale Day Thanks to the brutal practice of whaling over the last century, whales are still recovering from plummeting populations:...
A guest blog from PADI to mark World Whale Day There’s nothing more magical than an encounter with a gentle giant underwater. Looking into their all-knowing eyes,...
Whales have captivated our imagination for centuries and snorkeling with whales is one of life’s best experiences. Whether you want to meet them in the tropics...
A sperm whale has been observed in the Azores archipelago in the middle of the Atlantic ocean over a 34 year time span, setting an observation...
The 2020 National Whale and Dolphin Watch event organized by the Sea Watch Foundation involved hundreds of volunteers from all around the British Isles, and it...
This year’s Sea Watch National Whale and Dolphin Watch takes place from Saturday 25th July to Sunday 2nd August 2020, and we’re asking members of the...
The twelfth and final film in our Wildlife Winners and Losers series from the former BBC Natural History Producer Richard Brock: Are Whales Winning? Our attitude...