In an exciting development for scuba diving enthusiasts, the SS United States, a legendary vessel with a rich history, is set to transition from its long-standing...
Divers Alert Network® (DAN®), the world’s leading dive safety organization, is in search of talented people ready to work to make diving safer. As diving continues...
Join the fourth element team in North America! Fourth Element is looking for three people to join the US based team of one of the most exciting...
Gemma and Ian chat to Dave Conlin. Dave was born and raised in Boulder, Colorado and knew early on he wanted to be an Underwater Archaeologist. ...
March is Seagrass Awareness Month, and there has never been a more critical time to act to protect seagrass communities across Florida. This year to date, the...
Looking forward to being together, while including pirates from around the world virtually, the non-profit Dive Pirates Foundation has announced its 18th Annual Dive Pirates Ball to...
After an extended safety stop, Scuba Show returns in-person to the Long Beach Convention Center (LBCC) May 14 – 15, 2022. Now in its 35th year,...
PADI® Members around the world are helping veterans heal, both physically and mentally, through the techniques learned in the PADI Adaptive Support Diver and Adaptive Techniques...
This November, celebrate Manatee Awareness Month with Save the Manatee Club (SMC) by learning more about manatees and how to help protect them and their habitat....
Gemma and Ian chat to Ian Travis. Ian is based in North Carolina and passionate about ocean diving in the area. It’s called the Graveyard of...
Guest Blog by Staci-lee Sherwood As long as I can remember, manatees have been in trouble. For much of the 1970s and 80s, boat strikes were...
During a visit to Florida, Mona and John from The Scuba Place swam with manatees and learned some very interesting facts. John and I made a...