SSI announces the availability of two new unique specialties, “Coral Reef Restoration” and “Invasive Species Management,” as part of its commitment to environmental stewardship through the...
In this ongoing series, we speak to the people who run dive centres, resorts and liveaboards from around the world about their businesses and the diving...
In this digital age, SSI makes keeping up with technology a priority. Over the years, we have seen more and more divers invest in a personal...
If you have a friend or family member who is thinking about getting in to diving, this guide on how to get started from Sea to...
SSI would like to thank its growing number of Training Centers and Pros for an outstanding 2023 and is excited to kick off 2024. Last year,...
Snorkeling is more than just a leisure activity; it’s a window into an awe-inspiring world full of life. Imagine gliding effortlessly through the water, exploring vibrant...
Whether you’re a seasoned diver or just getting your feet wet, the Bahamas offers a diverse array of dive sites to explore. From vibrant coral reefs...
Scuba Schools International (SSI), the world’s largest professional business-based training agency for scuba diving, is proud to announce its groundbreaking partnership with the Edges of Earth...
The Caribbean, with its turquoise waters and abundant marine life, is a great place for new divers to start exploring the wonders of the ocean and...
SSI has announced the release of the SSI Explorers Program, where kids aged 6-11 years old can get a taste of the many ways to explore the...
Saudi Arabia is a land of contrasts, rich in ancient history and dazzling cities with dramatic desert scenery throughout. It is one of the least-dived areas...
Oceania has a fascinating mixture of well-known romantic destinations and wild, remote dive spots that few people ever get to visit. It is a region of...