The Wining and Diving series sees Nick and Caroline Robertson-Brown embark on a tour to tickle the taste buds as well as to discover amazing dive...
CJ and Mike continue their South Australia shore diving adventures… Noarlunga Reef The forecast looked good and after a fair bit of driving the last two...
CJ and Mike continue their South Australia shore diving adventures… Rapid Bay Jetty The next day the weather forecast was looking a bit better and it...
The first in a three part series from Scubaverse regular bloggers CJ and Mike as they dive South Australia… Mike and I got the travel bug...
Some 16 years after the ground-breaking first series hit our screens, the BBC’s Blue Planet is set to return this autumn. Once again hosted by Sir...
The next feature in our new Gallery series where we let the photos tell the story… This week, Nick and Caroline showcase South Australia. When we travelled...