Reconnecting with Nature Through Unforgettable Underwater Experiences Behind the Mask, a leading underwater film production company and vibrant community, is excited to announce the launch of...
Bunaken Oasis Dive Resort & Spa is delighted to announce an extraordinary underwater photography workshop with Dr Alex Tattersall, taking place from 24th September to 3rd...
Tucked away in the remote northern Haa Alifu Atoll, Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa is a premier destination for anyone seeking an unforgettable underwater experience. With...
After a two-year tour of UK art galleries, community spaces and aquariums, the Shark Trust’s acclaimed Oceanic31 exhibition takes its final bow at the Royal Geographical...
Until 28 November, prizes worth a massive £10,000 – including experiences, products and tuition – feature in a line-up of items that can be won for...
Here’s some of the latest tourism news and happenings from Yap, a unique destination in the Federated States of Micronesia. Visitor Arrivals Double – Yap’s tourism sector...
Join Indigo Safaris for an incredible dive adventure at the Revillagigedo Islands Archipelago with a group of fun and experienced divers! Get up close to giant...
Sharkpedia: A Brief Compendium of Shark Lore by Daniel Abel, illustrated by Marc Dando Sharkpedia is a pocket size book that explore the wonders of sharks,...
By: Wael Bakr Introduction to Shark Diving Awareness In the realm of marine life, few creatures captivate our interest, and sometimes our fear, like the shark....
Set Sail on a Journey of a Lifetime For over a decade, Master Liveaboards has been synonymous with exceptional diving experiences and unforgettable ocean adventures. As...
Embark on a thrilling adventure with Seas4Life’s last-minute booking offer for the Sardine Run & Sharks trip in South Africa from June 23rd – July 2nd...
The last week of July will see the return of the Shark Trust’s citizen science initiative, The Great Shark Snapshot. It invites divers and snorkellers, all...