In a video shot exclusively for Scubaverse, Jeff Goodman talks to divers who oppose the planned construction of a sea-based Superquarry in the Manacles, a Marine...
As unusually warm ocean temperatures cover the north Pacific, equatorial Pacific, and western Atlantic oceans, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientists expect greater bleaching of corals...
Coral Restoration Foundation Bonaire have launched a brand new website: The new site has been designed to share globally who the organisation is, their work, knowledge...
A new species of algae has been discovered in reef corals of the Persian (Arabian) Gulf that helps corals to survive seawater temperatures of up to 36°C...
It’s been discovered that the Great Barrier Reef’s corals are starting to eat plastic, causing concern among marine biologists. Coral consumes practically anything that is available in the water....
Dive experience and education fuel her passion for the sea and has made reef conservation a personal mission “I see dead coral – and in the...