In the third of a four-part video series shot exclusively for, Jeff Goodman travels to Roots Dive Camp in the Red Sea to film and...
UK-based dive tour operator blue o two have released their latest special offers, including Red Sea liveaboard holiday deals from only £795 including flights to Hurghada...
In the second of a four-part video series shot exclusively for, Jeff Goodman travels to Roots Dive Camp in the Red Sea to film and...
If you’re thinking about squeezing in a pre-Christmas break for some warm water diving, Scuba Travel have some great liveaboard options for you to consider: Whirlwind...
In the first of a four-part video series shot exclusively for, Jeff Goodman travels to Roots Dive Camp in the Red Sea to film and...
UK-based dive tour operator Scuba Travel are offering you the opportunity to join Tempest on her Wrecks & Reefs journey around the Northern Red Sea departing...
It’s DIVE 2015 this coming weekend at the NEC in Birmingham, and to mark the occasion, UK-based dive tour operator Scuba Travel have got some huge...
Save a minimum of 10% on most holidays and liveaboards worldwide With just over a week to go until DIVE 2015 at the Birmingham NEC, UK-based...
Save up to 20% on luxury liveaboard diving holidays UK-based scuba diving tour operator blue o two are giving everyone the chance to take advantage of...
UK-based dive tour operator Scuba Travel have some great options for Red Sea liveaboard dive holidays this month, including a Wrecks and Reefs trip on Whirlwind...
There are some crazy liveaboard deals around right now, especially for the Red Sea, which is where some of the world’s best diving can be experienced....
PADI is hosting a Dive Day on the 14th October 2015, taking place at Magawish Island (Hurghada, Egypt). Divers of all experience levels are invited to...