Each year the magical, Caribbean island of Barbados holds a festival to celebrate scuba diving, free diving and marine conservation. This year, Nick and Caroline went...
One of our Christmas traditions is to sit down together and watch an Aardman Animations film. Shaun the Sheep has become an instant hit with all...
In an ongoing series, Scubaverse’s Underwater Photography Editors Nick and Caroline Robertson-Brown talk to underwater photographers from around the world that they admire. In this blog: Ellen...
And the winner is…. OZTek and Nikon Australia are very pleased to announce the winners of the 2018 Nikon Dive Portfolio of the Year. You can see all...
In an ongoing series, Scubaverse’s Underwater Photography Editors Nick and Caroline Robertson-Brown talk to underwater photographers from around the world that they admire. In this blog: Martyn...
OZTek and Nikon Australia have announced the second Nikon Dive Portfolio of the Year Underwater Photographic Competition. The Nikon Dive Portfolio of the Year is a...
There was so much to cover at the Dive Show, that it is time for us to do a round up of the remaining equipment stands...
OZTek and Nikon have teamed up to introduce an exciting new portfolio category within the OZTek2017 Underwater Photographic Competition. Nikon Dive Portfolio of the Year...
Nikon has finally given us a successor to the D300s camera with fantastic speed and processing power in a relatively compact and durable body. Some highlights...
SEA&SEA have announced the MDX-D500 Underwater Housing for the Nikon D500 camera, the most anticipated housing since the MDX-D300. Newly designed features of the MDX-D500 housing...
The new Aquatica AD500 housing is designed specifically for the long awaited Nikon D500 camera. With 21mp still image, 4K video possibilities, and an impressive...
In an ongoing series, Scubaverse.com’s Underwater Photography Editors Nick and Caroline Robertson-Brown talk to underwater photographers from around the world that they admire. This week’s interview is...