Through Sea Shepherd Dive, divers and dive operators can report environmental crimes Following a successful presence at dive shows in the United Kingdom, Germany and the...
Cardigan Bay Special Area of Conservation is home to one of the UK’s largest breeding populations of bottlenose dolphins, and habitats such as reefs and sandbanks....
The planet’s coral reefs are dying so fast that some scientists say they will be gone by the middle of this century. But now, there’s a desperate attempt...
On December 5th I joined REEF on a fish survey trip to St. Lucia. If you have never heard of REEF, they have a simple mission: Reef Environmental Education...
In this Konbini Original video, Sea Shepherd founder Paul Watson tells us why the human race must stop exploiting the world’s oceans. Source:
UK’s leading marine charity says announcement is an encouraging step towards network of protection The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) says yesterday’s announcement by Defra that it’s...
In a video shot exclusively for, Jeff Goodman talks to Lauren Clayton, resident marine biologist for Open Oceans Science Centre working at Roots Red Sea...
In a video shot exclusively at Roots Red Sea for by Jeff Goodman, Miss Scuba UK 2015 finalist Hannah Higgins talks about discarded plastic and...
Joint study finds some firms with unsustainable choices on the menu More than half the UK’s large restaurant chains are using seafood from overfished areas of...
A number of conservation NGOs have cautiously welcomed a call by major industry association Cosmetics Europe to its 4,000 members to phase out the use of...
After waiting and watching international research, Government has approved local nursery policy in the Cayman Islands Ocean Frontiers, the conservation-minded dive operator at Grand Cayman’s East...
The Galapagos Islands are the only known location where large, female whale sharks that appear to be pregnant can be seen gathering from June to November...