Introduced by Jeff Goodman In this time of dramatic climate change, habitat destruction, over fishing and species loss around the world, one would hope that governments...
Secret Seas: Discover Oman’s Unique Underwater World by Paul Flandinette and Michel Claereboudt I do not usually agree to review a book without having a physical...
Royal Mail has released a new set of 14 stamps which are of aquatic wildlife around the British Isles. The UK’s waters are home to around...
Words and Images by Marty Snyderman While the term “muck diving” is one that would probably not pass a smell test with the marketing gurus on...
A week-long series from Jake Davies… Below the waves off the Welsh coast, there are a range of species and habitats that can be seen. However,...
A week-long series from Jake Davies… Below the waves off the Welsh coast, there are a range of species and habitats that can be seen. However,...
A week-long series from Jake Davies… Below the waves off the Welsh coast, there are a range of species and habitats that can be seen. However,...
A week-long series from Jake Davies… Below the waves off the Welsh coast, there are a range of species and habitats that can be seen. However,...
A week-long series from Jake Davies… Below the waves off the Welsh coast, there are a range of species and habitats that can be seen. However,...
From the Jurassic Coast of Dorset to the northernmost waters of Scotland, there is a huge array of incredible landscapes and animals beneath the water’s surface...
So, heres a fun fact for you to start. Did you know that the Atlantic Ocean, North Sea, Norwegian Sea and Mediterranean all join and have...
Scubaverse Underwater Videographer and Editor-at-Large Jeff Goodman takes us on a tour of some of his favourite marine life in this video series… Filmed on GoPro.