A manta dance of the coast of Socorro Island. [youtube id=”-W7Akh1iji4″ width=”100%” height=”300px”]
A summary of a trip with the Nautilus Explorer in December 2012. Great trip with sharks, manta rays, dolphins and much more. And for those who...
At a known divesite with divers from Sweden, Germany,USA and UK. A 10 minute swim along with this 10 foot (3meter) long sixgillshark. It was the...
These sharks haven’t changed essentially since 150 million years and you are looking at a living underwater dinosaur. [youtube id=”zG_IMFCOq-E” width=”100%” height=”300px”]
Female giant pacific octopus takes interest in male underwater videographer on Diplock reef, Barkley sound, Vancouver Island, Canada. [youtube id=”9ClNSh3YEUw” width=”100%” height=”300px”]
An interview with Dr. Chris Harvey Clark about six gill sharks. [youtube id=”p2aoxQI8mRM” width=”100%” height=”300px”]
A dive at Chup Point was a nice encounter with sealion. [youtube id=”rVIVI-aIhSY” width=”100%” height=”300px”]
Orca surprise when we were on our way to meet the local ferry. 3 adults and 1 young whale seemingly hunting fish. [youtube id=”YZa2zaJURLQ” width=”100%” height=”300px”]
Kelp greenlings and their courting behaviour. [youtube id=”41BVMpcU53k” width=”100%” height=”300px”]
A giant nudi branch attacking a tube dwelling anemone. [youtube id=”DsUmakXiuUY” width=”100%” height=”300px”]
One of the strangest nudibranches ever. It looks like a underwater Venus Flytrap. [youtube id=”Pet8vMCtRu8″ width=”100%” height=”300px”]
See the change in colours when the wolf eel matures. [youtube id=”7f4gCMO_jvo” width=”100%” height=”300px”]