Looking for something unforgettable? The Dive Worldwide team pride themselves on delivering unique diving holidays in the most exciting and remote destinations around the globe. The...
If you’re passionate about the underwater world, listen up! We’ve got an incredible opportunity for you to experience the vibrant reefs and majestic marine life of...
You’ve set your heart on a Maldives holiday and want to go scuba diving – you’re going to have a great time, but with a little...
Once I’d organised my 6 day/5 night Jurassic Komodo trip, I knew, if I was going to travel all that way, I needed a bit more...
Dive holiday experts Diverse Travel have added Boutique Beach to their Maldives programme. Designed specifically with divers in mind, Boutique Beach is a charming boutique hotel,...
Through a collaborative effort between citizen divers, scientists from the Marine Megafauna Foundation (MMF), and Murdoch University, a new study reports a large number of manta...
In their mission to create a billion Torchbearers to explore and protect the ocean, PADI is encouraging divers to seek adventure and experience first-hand the vital...
In this series, the Shark Trust will be sharing amazing facts about different species of sharks and what you can do to help protect them. This...
Every year, dozens of manta rays and sicklefin devil rays gather in the Azorean Sea, near the Island of Santa Maria. Where do they come from?...
Watch the WaterBear Original Film Now! Dr. Andrea Marshall a.k.a. “Queen of the Mantas” has dedicated her life to studying manta rays, one of the most...
In this ongoing series, we speak to the people who run dive centres, resorts and liveaboards from around the world about their businesses and the diving...
After 20 years of research and lobbying efforts, the Marine Megafauna Foundation (MMF) is thrilled to announce a major legislative victory for ocean life in Mozambique....