Lumbalumba Resort – Manado is an intimate dive and snorkel retreat nestled in Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia—a hidden gem within the world-renowned Coral Triangle, home to...
Wakatobi Resort is known as one of the world’s premier diving and snorkelling destinations. Set on a small island in Indonesia’s Banda Sea, some 1000 km...
Sea To Sky have announced some very special group trips for 2024. Not only can you enjoy some fantastic diving around the world, you can also...
There is a dive resort in the Red Sea that is stuck in time; a time when the marine life was not bombarded by modern times. No...
In the last of this video series shot exclusively for on location in Egypt, Guy Henderson talks to Scubaverse about the Camera Drops Project with...
In this video shot exclusively for on location in Egypt, Kirsty Hobson talks to Scubaverse about Reef Clearing at Roots Dive Camp in El Quseir. Find...
In this video shot exclusively for on location in Egypt, Mahmoud Elsayed (Moudi) from Pharaoh Dive Club and Roots Red Sea in El Quseir talks to...
In this ongoing series, we speak with the people who run dive centres, resorts and liveaboards from around the world about their businesses and the diving they...
When I think of a “house reef” dive, images of a dull dive somehow spring to mind. Perhaps it’s because many resorts offer diving on their...