The Wining and Diving series sees Nick and Caroline Robertson-Brown embark on a tour to tickle the taste buds as well as to discover amazing dive...
The Wining and Diving series sees Nick and Caroline Robertson-Brown embark on a tour to tickle the taste buds as well as to discover amazing dive...
Love wreck diving? Love diving in clear blue warm water? Then here are our top 5 wreck diving destinations in the Caribbean. The Bahamas Want to...
Nick and Caroline Robertson-Brown of Frogfish Photography, along with Adam Hanlon of Wetpixel, have been selected as Diving Ambassadors for the Islands of The Bahamas. When...
In our Gallery feature, we let the photos tell the story… Each Gallery showcases a selection of outstanding images on a chosen theme, taken by our...
Our very own Underwater Photography Editor, Nick Robertson-Brown, features in a recent podcast called Fancy a Brew? The podcast is brought to divers around the world...
In the second part of our Dive Fest Diaries, we visit the north of the island to dive with Cabrits Dive Centre. We were staying at...
Our recent trip to Dominica saw us diving with three different dive centres as part of the Dive Fest celebrations. Two of these dive centres are...
During our visit to Dominica we asked to be involved in any educational activities that were being held as part of the annual scuba diving celebration...
The September NUPG meeting saw Caroline Robertson-Brown talking about a recent trip diving the northern Sea of Cortez. She and Nick had focused on just two...
Scubaverse team members, Nick and Caroline, launched their new book, Wild Dives, last week at a lively event in London. Hosted by Ocean Leisure Cameras, Nick...
The August meeting of the Northern Underwater Photography Group (NUPG) saw members judging both the splash-in competition images and the annual print competition. Splash-In The Splash-In...