Dragon Sea, by Frank Pope, tells the true story of the location, combined archaeological survey of a large, five-hundred year old wreck and salvage of over...
In a title of six words, Erebus: The story of a ship, Michael Palin tells us precisely what his book is all about. Through a comprehensive...
On the 23rd June 2018 twelve members of the Thai Wild Boars youth football team, and their coach, strolled into the Tham Luang Cave in northern...
At 10.00 pm on 6th July 1988 liquid gases, under high pressure, exploded in a fireball on the Piper Alpha oil production platform. All in its...
Some of us will have dived in Chuuk Lagoon, Federated States of Micronesia, and marvelled at the remains of massive WWII warships. Others may have ventured...
A deep dive, to almost thirty metres, thirty miles off the coast of Alabama, USA goes horribly wrong. In strong current, their anchor line – their...
Gross Negligence is the latest book in the Jack Collier series by Fred Lockwood. Our story begins with a maritime tragedy during Hurricane Larry. This disaster...
We’d like to say a big thank you to all of you who entered our competition to win the first three books in the Jack Collier...
Blind Descent by James M. Tabor takes the reader into the world of super caves, to perpetual night and the remarkable men and women who probe...
THIS COMPETITION HAS NOW CLOSED. Click here to enter one of our current competitions. For this week’s competition, we’re giving away the first three books in...
Fatally Flawed describes the journey from novice diver to World Record Holder for the deepest cave dive for a woman. However, the book is more than...
Unlisted Cargo is the fourth book in the Jack Collier series by Fred Lockwood. Our protagonists Jack and Sandro of Marine Salvage & Investigation Company are...