Transform Your Dive Experiences into Cinematic Masterpieces NovoScuba has partnered with acclaimed underwater filmmaker Jeff Goodman to introduce the Underwater Moviemaker Course—a revolutionary program designed to...
Read Part 7 here. A part serialisation of a book by Jeff Goodman PART 8: Colour Bars and Monitor Setup It may be that the picture...
All images in this article are taken from video frames. After an introductory lecture, we headed for Mylor in Cornwall to join Mark Milburn of Atlantic...
In our ongoing series S.U.P.E.R. (Scubaverse’s Underwater Photography Equipment Reviews), Nick and Caroline Robertson Brown from Frogfish Photography review new underwater photography equipment, general diving equipment, and some older...
Photo enthusiasts all over the world use the Nik Collection to get the best out of their images every day. As Google continue to focus their long-term investments...