A series of conservation educational podcasts from Future Frogmen, introduced by Jeff Goodman. Conserving and Restoring Migratory Fish Habitats This episode of Blue Earth is a...
Oceancast, launched on 17th August 2020, aims to connect even more people to the ocean, through conversations with experts and passionate ocean lovers. The Marine Conservation Society‘s brand...
Project to make Palau a carbon neutral destination launched by Palau Bureau of Tourism, Sustainable Travel International, and Slow Food. The Palau Bureau of Tourism, Sustainable...
I recently got in touch with the Cape Eleuthera Institute in The Bahamas to ask about their work on coral reef conservation. I was delighted to...
The 2020 National Whale and Dolphin Watch event organized by the Sea Watch Foundation involved hundreds of volunteers from all around the British Isles, and it...
A series of conservation educational podcasts from Future Frogmen, introduced by Jeff Goodman. Environmental Action & Activism in 2020 This episode of Blue Earth is a...
As jellyfish season is well and truly upon us, you’re likely to see more jellyfish around UK shores. The Marine Conservation Society is once again calling...
Jeff Goodman met Chris Long in an airport arrivals cafe where he told Jeff of his new project earthdive, a revolutionary concept in citizen science and...
A series of conservation educational podcasts from Future Frogmen, introduced by Jeff Goodman. We would hope the oceans are being looked after, but they are not....
Introduced by Jeff Goodman Many years ago on returning from a film trip to Indonesia for the BBC I was met at the airport by Chris...
Filmmaker Lavado Stubbs & Environmental Scientist Kristal ‘Ocean’ Ambrose release PLASTIC WARRIORS, a film that follows Kristal’s fight against plastic pollution. The Bahamas, a country internationally...
A guest post for Scubaverse by Chloe Brown. Chloe is a graduate from the University of Southampton where she studied for a BSc Oceanography. She started her...