A series of conservation educational podcasts from Future Frogmen, introduced by Jeff Goodman. Dungeness Crabs: Predicting Vulnerability to Climate Change This episode of the Blue Earth...
International adventure travel leaders, Aggressor Adventures, has completed its first multi-country, shoreline clean-up at locations in the Galapagos, Belize, Palau, and Roatan, Honduras. Forty Aggressor staff...
Local fishermen have offered to sponsor a new beach cleaning station at Melvaig in the Scottish Highlands after local residents requested their beach is added to...
A series of conservation educational podcasts from Future Frogmen, introduced by Jeff Goodman. Ecological Restoration in the Long Island Sound Region This episode of Blue Earth...
The Seahorse Trust have announced that they are delighted to see that Etsy has updated its policy on Endangered or Threatened Wildlife Products, clarifying that it...
Marine Conservation Society calls for ambitious policy as Fisheries Bill returns to the Commons The new Fisheries Bill is a prime opportunity for the UK Government...
A series of conservation educational podcasts from Future Frogmen, introduced by Jeff Goodman. The Scourge of Plastic: A Conversation with Dianna Cohen, CEO of the Plastic...
The Deep Sea Conservation Coalition (DSCC) has launched a brand new game as part of a campaign for a moratorium on deep-sea mining (DSM). The game,...
Reef-World has been shortlisted as a finalist in 2020’s Con X Tech Prize to help develop this digital sustainability solution The Reef-World Foundation – the international...
A lost fishing net 200 metres long has been removed from the popular diving and fishing reef ‘Hand Deeps’ in Plymouth, by the ocean conservation charity...
After writing about the recent oil spill for us which you can read about HERE, Jill Holloway has now had a chance to dive in Mauritius....
From the 5th September to the 18th October ‘The Generation Sea: Plastic Protest’ will see communities, coordinated by the ocean conservation charity, Surfers Against Sewage, take...