In this exclusive video series, Scubaverse’s Jeff Goodman travels to the Cayman Islands to discover more about the diving there. In this video, Jeff meets world...
In this exclusive video series, Scubaverse’s Jeff Goodman travels to the Cayman Islands to discover more about the diving there. In this video, Jeff meets John...
Sunset House is excellent value for your dive group travel to the Cayman Islands in 2020. Sunset House has introduced two new specials for DEMA 2019,...
In this exclusive video series, Scubaverse’s Jeff Goodman travels to the Cayman Islands to discover more about the diving there. In this video, Jeff meets Emma-Jane...
In this exclusive video series, Scubaverse’s Jeff Goodman travels to the Cayman Islands to discover more about the diving there. In this video, Jeff meets Stephen...
Sunset House and Sunset Divers welcome Aaron Hunt, coordinator of the Eco Divers Reef Foundation, to the dive resort’s scuba training program as a contract instructor...
In this exclusive video series, Scubaverse’s Jeff Goodman travels to the Cayman Islands to discover more about the diving there. In this video, Jeff meets Vicki...
I recently had the great pleasure of being invited to the 2019 Cayman Islands International Scuba Diving Hall of Fame awards and dinner evening where new...
Sunset House and Sunset Divers welcome Aaron Hunt, coordinator of the Eco Divers Reef Foundation, to the dive resort’s scuba training program as a contract instructor...
The former owner of Bob Soto’s Diving, and diving icon, died on Grand Cayman at the age of 79. Hailing him as a passionate promoter of...
2019 is another banner tourism year for the Southern Cross Club on Little Cayman, as it has been for the Cayman Islands overall. Grand Cayman has...
To celebrate PADI women’s dive day 2019 Divetech have once again brought together women hand in hand, breaking their own World Record! In July 2018, 86...