BECOMING COUSTEAU examines the epic life of Jacques Yves Cousteau, the ocean explorer who spanned the globe with a misfit crew of divers and filmmakers, under...
The Wining and Diving series sees Nick and Caroline Robertson-Brown embark on a tour to tickle the taste buds as well as to discover amazing dive...
Calypso Gozo Apnea announce freediving yoga retreat dates for 2019 Take time to switch on inside, dive into yourself underwater and above, find your breathing with daily yoga sessions… Stay in a beautifully...
Struggling to find the perfect gift for that special scuba diver in your life? Look no further, Team Scubaverse have searched far and wide to bring...
On the front page of author Richard Hyman’s website it reads: In his personal account of SCUBA diving with Jacques Cousteau, Richard Hyman takes us behind the scenes...