Jeff Goodman met Chris Long in an airport arrivals cafe where he told Jeff of his new project earthdive, a revolutionary concept in citizen science and...
In this exclusive video for Scubaverse and Dive Travel Adventures, join Richard and Hayley from Black Manta Photography on one of the most exciting dives you...
Introduced by Jeff Goodman Many years ago on returning from a film trip to Indonesia for the BBC I was met at the airport by Chris...
By Viviana Marcy As a newly certified Open Water diver, figuring out the next step may seem a bit daunting or overwhelming. You just finished your...
Next in the series of weekly videos from Divers Ready! Nitrox. Every Scuba Diver’s best friend? We’re dispelling 4 common myths about Nitrox, and explaining what...
Scubaverse Underwater Videographer and Editor-at-Large Jeff Goodman takes us on a tour of some of his favourite marine life in this video series… Filmed on GoPro.
In this exclusive video for Scubaverse and Dive Travel Adventures, join Richard and Hayley from Black Manta Photography for a day in the life at the stunning...
The next in an exciting new series of blogs introducing some of the amazing marine life you can encounter at Magic Resorts in the Philippines… Fluro...
Next in the series of weekly videos from Divers Ready! One easy tip to improve your dives! We’re diving into SAC rates, used to calculate how...
What defines a Technical Diver from a Recreational Diver? Some say it’s the diver in heavy black suit of armour, dripping wet as they emerge from...
Missed our introduction to this series? Watch it here… Part 15 in our series of educational videos from CCMI: Reefs Go Live: Symbiotic Relationships Explained –...
Are you doing more shopping online? Did you know that you can raise money for marine charities at the same time? Here are a couple of...