The Wining and Diving series sees Nick and Caroline Robertson-Brown embark on a tour to tickle the taste buds as well as to discover amazing dive...
Introduced by Jeff Goodman In this time of dramatic climate change, habitat destruction, over fishing and species loss around the world, one would hope that governments...
There is nothing quite like seeing an apex predator in the wild and divers are very fortunate to have the privilege to get up close and...
Sea turtles are some of the most remarkable animals you can encounter in our oceans. They have existed for over 100 million years, can live for...
Scubaverse blogger, Donovan Lewis, is currently on the Western Ecology Tour. The aim of the expedition is to travel to the northern reaches of Scotland, along...
Scubaverse blogger, Donovan Lewis, is currently on the Western Ecology Tour. The aim of the expedition is to travel to the northern reaches of Scotland, along...
Scubaverse blogger, Donovan Lewis, is currently on the Western Ecology Tour. The aim of the expedition is to travel to the northern reaches of Scotland, along...
On a recent trip to the Highlands of Scotland we met up with an amazing bunch of ocean conservationists called the Ullapool Sea Savers. They are...
Swimming with sharks is an unbeatable experience and high on the wish list for many divers and snorkelers. Read on to discover the best places you...
By: Jessica Brown Congratulations! You just earned your Open Water Scuba Diver Certification, but now what do you do with it? Well to answer your question in...
A Guest Blog by PADI... It looks like 2021 is set to be a summer of staycations. With almost 200 PADI Dive Centres located across the...
If you know anything about diving in South Africa, you probably know that you can expect to see a wide variety of sharks. From the Great...