In their mission to create a billion Torchbearers to explore and protect the ocean, PADI is encouraging divers to seek adventure and experience first-hand the vital...
In this series, the Shark Trust will be sharing amazing facts about different species of sharks and what you can do to help protect them. This...
1200 islands of 26 different atolls make up the island paradise of the Maldives. Once prehistoric underwater volcanoes, the coral reefs and ecosystems that surround these...
A blog by Pro Dive International Plenty of empty shells of recently hatched turtle eggs were spotted by our divers at Sabalos. They had been washed...
In this series, the Shark Trust will be sharing amazing facts about different species of sharks and what you can do to help protect them. This...
Guest Blog by Staci-lee Sherwood As long as I can remember, manatees have been in trouble. For much of the 1970s and 80s, boat strikes were...
In their mission to create a billion Torchbearers to explore and protect the ocean, PADI is encouraging divers to seek adventure and experience first-hand the vital...
In this new series, the Shark Trust will be sharing amazing facts about different species of sharks and what you can do to help protect them....
It’s International Whale Shark Day today, 30th August – a day dedicated to celebrating the biggest fish in the ocean. These much-loved gentle giants are amazing...
Expedition Overview During June 2021 a team of us Photographers, Filmmakers, Scientists and Divers took part in the Western Ecology Tour, an expedition that involved diving...
In this new series, the Shark Trust will be sharing amazing facts about different species of sharks and what you can do to help protect them....
In this new series, the Shark Trust will be sharing amazing facts about different species of sharks and what you can do to help protect them....