Lumbalumba Resort – Manado is an intimate dive and snorkel retreat nestled in Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia—a hidden gem within the world-renowned Coral Triangle, home to...
Wakatobi Resort is known as one of the world’s premier diving and snorkelling destinations. Set on a small island in Indonesia’s Banda Sea, some 1000 km...
Protecting (Dutch) Caribbean Reefs from Unomia stolonifera Recent reports highlight the concerning spread of the invasive soft coral, Unomia stolonifera, currently devastating Venezuela’s marine ecosystems and...
As we near the half-way point of the Central Caribbean Marine Institute’s (CCMI) Expedition Hope to characterise the biodiversity of two offshore seamounts in the Cayman...
Protecting the country’s whales sequesters as much carbon as taking 5,000 cars off the road every year – it also bolsters the local economy and paves...
The Republic of Palau, a tropical archipelago in the Western Pacific, is known for its incomparable island landscape, pristine dive sites and world famous wonders of...
Seventy percent of our planet is one connected ocean. It produces half the oxygen we breathe and feeds over three billion people. Today the ocean is...