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Janice Nigro

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  • Janice Nigro


Secret wishes at Kungkungan Bay

I noticed the other day that my second pair of flip-flops this year is becoming worn out.  The first pair only lasted about six weeks. ...

Creatures of the Muck

Muck diving.  “Le” muck diving.  There is no pretty way to say muck diving even if you are French.  In fact when you do muck...

More on scuba diving and being an artist…

As a diver and a photographer, I think it is simple, if you are looking for something “new” to photograph, to take a look underwater....

Is it anenome or anemone?

Plenty of tongue-twisting words for underwater creatures exist.  Somehow mine for most of my life was simply anemone.  Even as I write this, spell correct...

The dive log…a vanishing art?

I love writing in my logbook. The obvious significance to this statement is that I am actively scuba diving if I am writing in my...

The Diver’s Dictionary

Have you ever used the words pygmy, pipe, and dragon together?  You might, if you are a scuba diver.  There is the technical aspect to...

Diving With The Incredibles

I have spent 18 days, 1 hour and 36 minutes of my life underwater. Nearly twelve of those days I logged in Indonesia. Indonesia commands...

Scuba Diving Made Me An “Artist”

I never took a photo until I went underwater. And when I did, it was a last minute decision. I was on my way to...

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