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  • Team Scubaverse


Marine wildlife experiences you never knew existed in the UK

You don’t need to travel abroad for spectacular wildlife encounters that can also help to protect our seas When dreaming up your next marine-based wildlife adventure,...

Welsh Government offers free fishing gear recycling to Welsh fishing community

In response to the threat caused by the marine litter crisis the Welsh Government has teamed up with the marine waste specialist firm Odyssey Innovation...

Divesoft divers develop the World’s First Standards for a Bailout CCR Course

With the announcement of the World’s First Standards for a Bailout Rebreather Diving Course, the Divesoft Team continues to show themselves at the forefront of scuba tech...

Cristina Zenato joins Bite-Back’s Media Campaign

Globally respected shark diver and conservationist Cristina Zenato has become the latest high profile supporter of Bite-Back Shark & Marine Conservation’s Mind Your Language campaign,...

New definitive Whale Shark book now available

Whale Sharks: Biology, Ecology, and Conservation, is available now Marine Megafauna Foundation co-founder, Dr. Simon Pierce, has just released a definitive text on whale sharks,...

Job Opportunities: Join the DAN Team and help make diving safer

Divers Alert Network® (DAN®), the world’s foremost dive safety organization, is in search of talented people ready to work to promote safer diving. DAN seeks...

Top Destinations to Dive with Whale Sharks

In their mission to create a billion Torchbearers to explore and protect the ocean, PADI is encouraging divers to seek adventure and experience first-hand the...

Women Divers Hall of Fame to welcome 5 new Members in 2022

Dedicated to recognizing and honoring the contributions of women divers, the Women Divers Hall of Fame™ (WDHOF) is an international non-profit professional honor society whose...

Reef-World launches Green Fins Crown-of-Thorns guidelines

New guidance helping marine tourism operators conduct Crown-of-Thorns sea star (COTS) cleanups in an environmentally friendly way The Reef-World Foundation – the international coordinator of...

Caution advised over social solitary bottlenose dolphin frequenting Cornish waters

Marine conservation charities British Divers Marine Life Rescue and Marine Connection are advising people to act with caution around Cornwall’s latest unusual visitor.  A lone...

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