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Florida Fly Drive Dive Part 2 – Palm Beach County



In the second of this three-part blog, The Scuba Genies share their trip report from Florida!

The second leg of our Fly-Drive-Dive trip was Palm Beach County Florida. Just short of 3 hours from our first stop in Key Largo, we arrived at The Marriott Palm Beach Gardens after driving north along Highway 1, around the outskirts of Miami.

Palm Beach, Florida is home to the PGA – the Professional Golf Association, and the area is uber chic with luxury shopping, world-class restaurants, and top-notch golf resorts at every highway junction. The Marriott we booked is more of a business hotel than the traditional beach resort, but has a great pool, terrace and hot tub to the rear, plentiful free parking, and lovely rooms complete with all the mod cons – laundry service, hairdryers, fridge and coffee maker in the very comfortable and spacious rooms. A full-service restaurant and bar are on the ground floor, and there are plentiful eateries and markets within a 5-minute drive.

A friend and dive shop owner in the Orlando area recommended Pura Vida Divers, so we took his advice and booked 4 days diving. This was a great decision, as these guys really know their stuff, and provided some of the best service we have encountered anywhere. Pura Vida offers two-tank morning and afternoon boat dives with most dive sites within 30 minutes of leaving the marina. And with the boats docked just 15 minutes south of the hotel it was so convenient.

It was surreal, leaving the inlet, bumbling past the multi-million-dollar super yachts in the deep-water marinas and heading along the coast to see the huge urban landscape, including Mar-A- Lago and The Breakers resort hotels, but we had been told the diving was good, so were full of anticipation. We were not disappointed – the diving was pretty darn spectacular! Great stepped reefs, swim throughs and the perfect amount of current – together with great visibility of 20m or more.

The dive briefings were detailed, and the guiding if you wanted it, was spot-on too. This is drift diving at its best. We learned quickly to take that giant stride off the back of the boat with cameras in hand as soon as the captain yells Dive! Dive! Dive! and follow the guide down to the site.

Dive sites such as Juno’s Ledge and Flower Gardens offered up both the small stuff with numerous types of shrimp, crab and nudis to the big stuff with Goliath grouper, barracuda and sharks, it was all there! Schooling jacks, spadefish, grunts and snapper were common backdrops to the reef structure, and of course, as it was nesting season, turtles galore! We encountered numerous hawksbill, loggerhead and green turtles on every dive, and even spotted two leatherbacks on the surface, although these beauties were a little more camera-shy and shot off when we tried to get close to them.

And for the metal-heads, there are a handful of nice wrecks too, surrounded of course by Goliath grouper and several species of shark, including Lemon, Sandbar, Silk and Bulls – and it is not uncommon to get the odd Tiger or Hammerhead either. The wrecks here have been, in the main, deliberately sunk and form trails – three wrecks on one dive to make the most of the currents! The Shasha (184’ former drug-smuggling freighter) and the 180’ St Jacques and the 170” Gilbert Sea make up the ‘Governor’s Riverwalk’ wreck trail, and then there is the ‘Mizpah Corridor’, one of the best dives there is here. This is a 1/3 of a mile drift over the wrecks of the Mizpah, the PC1170 and the Amarylis, and there are plenty of Goliath grouper and sharks to accompany you as you do it! Then there is the Princess Anne, a 350’ long former car ferry, the Rolls Royce, the Edsvag and many more!

As well as day-boat diving, Pura Vida also offers two other very different options. Firstly, blackwater diving – a must-do! Dropping into the blue at night (and real night!) to drift along with the current behind a line of lights is very special. With 500’ of water below you, the line of lights is bait for the minuscule macro life that comes to the surface to feed at night and seeing all of these larvae stage animals giving off their bio-luminescence is an experience not to be missed!

Their second offer turned out to be one of our ‘dives of a lifetime’ Blue Heron Bridge. The bridge supports an 8-lane highway and spans the Inter-coastal between the mainland and Singer Island and is one of the most unlikely spots for a dive that you could think of! We arranged to meet our guide Lawrence from Pura Vida at 8:30am in the parking lot of Phil Foster Park. With high tide expected at 10:30am we kitted up and walked into the water around 9:30am beneath the huge concrete pillars, and then the magic began!

The bottom is sand and silt, and there is a man-made snorkel trail of sculptures, cuboid structures and even a sunken speedboat that provide the normal housing for fish seeking safety from the predators, but there is more – and far more!

Whilst this is the Atlantic Ocean, the warm currents coming up from the Caribbean wash these shores, bringing with them baby stuff of everything more tropical, and these seem to have found a home in the more sheltered waters under the bridge. We found numerous types of juvenile Angel fish for one, crabs, eels, drums, jack-knife fish, garden eels, filefish, nudis a-plenty and then the special stuff appeared as we further honed our spotting skills. A piece of what looked like tree-bark turned out to be a Red-Lipped Batfish, a lettuce leaf slug, a tiny octopus hidden in a rock pile and then not one, but two Striated Frogfish! And to top this all, as we started to surface after two-and-a-bit hours (max depth was 4m!) a manatee joined us, so up close and personal that I was bumped out of the way!

After the rustic peace and quiet of the first leg of the trip in Key Largo, Palm Beach County offered a very different experience, and again, we promised to come back soon – it really is that good!

For the next leg of our trip, we decided to stay in the same hotel and commute daily to Jupiter, just 15 minutes further North. Check back for more details!


  • Getting there : This was part of our Fly Drive Dive itinerary, but Palm Beach is a destination we would suggest on its own. Nonstop flights to Miami or Orlando are available daily with several car rental companies to choose from based on your needs.
  • Air temperature : In the spring and summer expect highs of 26 to 32 with milder temperatures in the winter. Rain is more likely June through September.
  • Water temperature : An average of 25 in the cooler months and 29 in the summer
  • Visa requirements : An ESTA is required to visit the USA. Currently an ESTA costs $14.00 and is valid for multiple trips for a two-year period. Application can be completed online at
  • Currency : US Dollar with ATM easily found and all major credit cards accepted.
  • Electricity : 120V with 2 and 3 prong plugs.

Accommodation: We stayed at the Marriott Palm Beach Gardens, about 15 minutes away from Lake Park Marina and the Pura Vida boats. There are a number of hotel and resort options in the area to suit all needs.

Diving: Pura Vida Divers offers daily morning and afternoon charters. Their Blackwater charters are renowned and the Blue Heron Bridge dive is one we would do over and over again!

Price Guide: from £2195pp for 7 nights in Palm Beach with a 10 dive package, car rental and return flights and from £3695pp for our complete Fly Drive Dive 14 night package with diving in Key Largo, Palm Beach and Jupiter, accommodation, car rental and return flights.

Favourite Dive Sites: Juno’s Ledge, Flower Gardens, Bath and Tennis (named as the dive site lines up with the Bath & Tennis Club of Palm Beach).

Favourite Spots: Publix, Target, Blaze Pizza, Carrabba’s Italian Grill, PFChang’s.

Other Essentials:

  • Crate for dive gear : This was invaluable! We picked up an inexpensive plastic tub at Target and with our gear inside, we carried it right on to the boat and slid it under the bench. The were a few hoses at the Marina with fresh water available to rinse gear at the end of the day and the tub was perfect to carry our wet gear back to the hotel without soaking the rental car.
  • Cool bag with handles : These come in handy for lunches in between charters if you’re like us and can’t pass us a Publix sub. We had them made to order the night before and kept them in the room mini-fridge for the next day. We also used one to carry our assembled underwater camera onto the boat. Filled with fresh water it was an ingenious way to rinse off our precious gear after the dive.
  • Suction hooks : There are never enough hooks in a bathroom so a few of these in your bag are bound to be put to use. They are a permanently in our dive bags now.

Check our website for more information on diving in Florida

Where to Dive : North America : Florida : Palm Beach County

Come Dive with Us!

Find out more about the worldwide dive itineraries that The Scuba Place offers at

The Scuba Genies are John and Mona Spencer-Ades, owners and Directors of ATOL and ABTA bonded Tour Operator and Travel Agency, The Scuba Place Ltd. The Scuba Place design and custom-build exceptional diving holidays around the globe, and have been doing so since 2011. They provide travel services to groups, clubs, buddy-pairs and individuals, and have a wealth of hands on experience when it comes to destinations as they are fanatical divers themselves. John has been diving over 30 years and is a PADI Dive Master, having logged over 2600 dives. Mona started her diving career in 2004, and has logged over 600 dives – she is currently a PADI Rescue Diver. The Scuba Place also provide hosted trips to both new and their favourite destinations each year, providing expert support, under their banner ‘Come Dive with Us!’ Previous trips have been to the Philippines, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Bonaire, Florida, the Maldives, Malta, Bahamas, Thailand, Truk Lagoon, Grenada, St Lucia, Cozumel, Cuba and Egypt. For 2022 and beyond, Palau, Bali, Raja Ampat, Ambon and Coron are in the planning stage.


Coming Soon – 52 Assignments



52 Assignments

Underwater Photography By Alex Mustard

In this new book in the bestselling 52 Assignments series we take a dive into the world of underwater photography with a practical guide that will allow photographers to capture images from completely different angles. Intrepid underwater photographers can explore all the ways they can get creative with their craft following the advice of one of the world’s most celebrated underwater photographers. This book is a mission brief, a portfolio of photographic workshops, a personalized journal and an inspirational guide to putting the creativity back into your craft. It is filled with a year’s worth of weekly commissions and concepts for conceiving and composing exciting photos beneath the waves. The assignments range from getting the perfect supermacro shot of life on the seabed to creative use of the available light for moody photos of wrecks. Whether you’re just getting your feet wet with underwater photography or you are a seasoned pro looking for some fresh ideas, you’ll find an assignment here that will teach and inspire you.

This isn’t a book to simply read, it is a book for those who really want to develop skills and improve.” – Alex Mustard

Full of technical advice and professional tips, 52 Assignments: Underwater Photography includes journal space for you to add your own notes, lists and tech specs, creating a unique journal in which you can record the journey you have made with your imagery. Complete the assignments weekend by weekend over the course of a year, or dip in every time you need to.

The book will be published on the 8th October by Ammonite Press.

RRP: £12.99

Watch out for our review here on Scubaverse!

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NovoScuba’s Game-Changing Approach for Dive Store Owners: WE PAY YOU!




novoscubaThe diving world thrives on passion and adventure, but for many dive store owners, the financial and operational challenges can be as deep as the ocean.

NovoScuba, an emerging force in the diving world, is on a mission to transform this landscape for the better. With a revolutionary approach to dive store and training agency partnerships, NovoScuba is setting new standards for how dive stores can thrive while keeping their focus on delivering exceptional diving experiences.


A New Paradigm: NovoScuba’s Bold Mission

NovoScuba’s mission is straightforward yet profound: to disrupt the traditional dynamics between dive store owners and training agencies. Traditionally, dive stores have been subjected to substantial fees charged by training agencies, for membership, materials and certifications. These costs have often placed a heavy financial burden on store owners, cutting into their profits and limiting their ability to offer competitive prices to customers.

NovoScuba flips the script by offering a model where dive stores earn money, instead of paying high fees. Dive stores receive commissions for every student they register, and their certification costs are covered. This new model not only boosts profitability but also ensures clients get top-quality training at unbeatable prices.

Financial Upsides: Earn From Student Registration

NovoScuba’s approach is simple yet revolutionary. Dive stores partnering with NovoScuba can earn commissions for every student they enroll.

Here’s how it works: For every student enrolled through NovoScuba, dive stores receive a commission. Each student enrolled will receive their e-learning materials and certification credit included in their subscription. This arrangement is a significant departure from the traditional model, where dive stores often struggle to manage high overhead costs related to training fees and certification expenses.


NovoScuba’s approach ensures that dive stores can focus on what they do best—providing top-notch diving experiences—without being bogged down by excessive financial burdens, and the need to carry large stocks of materials.

Quality Training at a Great Price

NovoScuba stands out by offering high-quality, ISO certified, training that doesn’t break the bank, in fact our students will pay less than with most competing agencies. Clients benefit from top-notch education and safety standards at competitive prices. Dive store owners can confidently promote NovoScuba’s programs, knowing they’re offering fantastic training at affordable rates. This balance of quality and affordability helps dive stores build a strong reputation and attract more customers.

Your Brand is Your Business: NovoScuba’s Commitment to Showcasing Your Identity

At NovoScuba, we understand that your brand is your most valuable asset, and we’re committed to putting it front and centre. Unlike agencies that charge high fees to promote their own brand, we believe in investing in yours. With NovoScuba, you won’t be paying to advertise someone else’s logo alone, — our focus is on showcasing your unique identity. Certifications prominently feature your brand, as well as the training agency, reinforcing your store’s image and brand every step of the way. We’re here to support and elevate your brand, ensuring that your investment directly benefits your business.

Affordable Membership: An Investment in Your Success

NovoScuba’s membership model is designed with dive store owners in mind. Membership fees are kept low and include annual Pro member fees for your team. Payment can be made monthly or annually in your local currency, avoiding the hassle of exchange rate fluctuations. NovoScuba promises no exchange rate changes without a six-month notice, ensuring financial stability and simplifying budgeting. With a membership lasting 12 months from date of joining, you’ll enjoy a full year of NovoScuba’s benefits and support.

Streamlined Operations: Simplifying Your Workload

Handling administrative tasks can be a challenge, but NovoScuba makes it easier. We’ve streamlined certification procedures and reduced paperwork to help dive stores operate more efficiently. Certification processing is quick and straightforward, allowing more focus on teaching and customer service. Our system minimises bureaucracy by storing necessary forms in student profiles, reducing paperwork and administrative delays.

Crossover Made Easy

For dive stores looking to transition to NovoScuba’s model, the crossover process is designed to be smooth and hassle-free. NovoScuba provides support to ensure that the transition is as seamless as possible, helping dive store owners integrate into the new system with minimal disruption. Experienced dive Pros don’t need to undergo extensive retraining. Our crossover is designed to familiarise Pros with NovoScuba’s user-friendly platform, standards and course structures, and not to waste time and expense re-training in water.

With just a few simple steps, you’ll be ready to offer top-notch training through NovoScuba.

Comprehensive Business Support and Training Included in Your Membership

NovoScuba goes beyond financial benefits by offering experienced support and training. This value added service includes:

  • Business Training: Optimise your operations with guidance on marketing, customer service, and best practices.
  • Marketing and Promotion: Access resources to attract new customers and boost your store’s visibility. Enjoy cross promotions with NovoScuba to gain increased exposure.
  • Ongoing Support: NovoScuba’s commitment to its partners extends beyond initial training and setup. The company offers ongoing support to address any issues or questions that arise. This continuous support ensures that dive store owners have a reliable resource to turn to whenever they need assistance.


Embracing Digital Natives: Instant Evolution and Continuous Improvement

NovoScuba’s digital-native approach is a game-changer. Leveraging cutting-edge technology, we ensure our services evolve and improve swiftly. Dive stores benefit from instant updates, the latest features, enhancements, and effective solutions, keeping them ahead of the curve. This continuous improvement helps dive stores stay competitive and deliver exceptional services. Whether it’s a new course update, additional marketing resources, or improved e-learning functions, NovoScuba’s digital infrastructure ensures that dive stores are always equipped with the most current and effective solutions. This continuous evolution not only helps dive stores stay ahead in a competitive market but also ensures they consistently provide top-quality services to their clients.

Why Is NovoScuba Doing This? – Fair Profit Sharing for Greater Access and Growth

At NovoScuba, we’ve taken a bold step by paying commissions to stores rather than following the traditional model of training agencies charging high fees. Our mission is to make diving accessible to everyone and to foster a growing community of new divers and continued education. By redistributing profits more equitably between stores and training agencies, we aim to create a more supportive and collaborative environment within the industry. We believe this approach not only helps individual stores thrive but also stimulates overall growth and innovation in diving. Our commitment to fair profit sharing reflects our dedication to the long-term health and expansion of the diving community.


Everyone is getting a piece of the pie.

Getting Started: Join the NovoScuba Revolution

Ready to revolutionise your dive store experience? NovoScuba is here to support your journey toward reduced costs, increased profitability, and enhanced operational efficiency. Get in touch with our team to learn how NovoScuba can transform your business.

For more information, email or visit

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