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Close Encounters with Cuttlefish at Wakatobi




Encounters with cuttlefish at Wakatobi are an everyday occurrence, offering divers the chance to witness these other-worldly creatures up close. With their eight arms, three hearts, and blue blood coursing through their gelatinous bodies, cuttlefish may seem like something from another planet. However, they thrive in abundant numbers along the vibrant reefs of Wakatobi, making the area one of the best places in the world to observe and photograph these fascinating marine animals.


Cuttlefish are a dream subject for photographers, not only because they are often cooperative but also because they can be quite entertaining. These creatures are known for their remarkable ability to change color and patterns in the blink of an eye, transforming their appearance from one shot to the next. Sometimes, they blend seamlessly into coral reefs or seagrass beds, making them nearly invisible unless they choose to reveal themselves. Known as “the chameleons of the sea,” cuttlefish possess a unique skill: they can rapidly shift their skin color and texture, using chromatophores—specialized pigment cells—along with iridophores, which create iridescent flashes, to communicate, hypnotize prey, or simply blend into their surroundings.

These mesmerizing displays are particularly striking during courtship. Male cuttlefish vie for dominance without direct physical contact, intimidating rivals until one backs down. The larger male will eventually grab the female with his tentacles and insert sperm sacs into an opening near her mouth. The male then stays close to the female until she lays her eggs.


Cuttlefish encounters at Wakatobi can happen on almost any dive. From the shallow grass beds to deeper reef areas, these creatures roam the vibrant waters, often moving in small groups. Broadclub cuttlefish (Sepia latimanus) are the most commonly seen species in Wakatobi, reaching lengths of over a foot. If you’re lucky enough to be diving at night, particularly on a cruise aboard the Pelagian, you might spot the flamboyant cuttlefish (Metasepia pfefferi). This smaller species doesn’t swim like others; instead, it crawls along the seafloor, flashing vibrant colors as it moves.


While cuttlefish are not currently considered endangered, human impacts do pose a risk to these intelligent creatures. In some regions, they are harvested for food or their cuttlebone, which is used in the pet trade as a calcium supplement for birds. Thankfully, in protected areas like Wakatobi’s marine preserve, cuttlefish continue to thrive.


When diving at Wakatobi, keep an eye out for these sleek, iridescent hunters. Whether camouflaged or displaying their incredible color-changing abilities, cuttlefish offer a captivating glimpse into the wonders of the underwater world.

Ready for some amazing marine life encounters?  Complete a quick trip inquiry at, or contact their office at

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Dive the Egyptian Red Sea this Autumn with Regaldive



Egyptian Red Sea

October and November are excellent months to visit Egypt, as they offer pleasant water temperatures and comfortable conditions on land. Divers can explore prime dive sites in the northern Red Sea, including the iconic SS Thistlegorm shipwreck and the breathtaking underwater topography at Shark & Yolanda Reef in Ras Mohammed National Park. Additionally, visitors can take advantage of direct flights from the UK to Marsa Alam, which serves as a gateway to bucket list adventures and thrilling shark dives in the Southern Red Sea.

Egyptian Red Sea

The Red Sea offers an unforgettable experience both above and below the water. Every year, thousands of visitors are captivated by this area’s unique blend of spectacular marine life, welcoming climate, and stunning scenery.

A World-Renowned Dive Region 5 Hours Away…

An endless variety of marine life draws divers from across the globe to the warm waters of the Red Sea. For UK divers, this world-renowned destination is just a short flight away. With outstanding water clarity and permanent sunshine, the Red Sea offers the chance to explore its magical underwater world year-round.

Egyptian Red Sea

The sheer abundance of vibrant marine life and corals is what sets the Red Sea apart. Divers and snorkellers can witness an impressive range of invertebrates, including over 200 different types of hard and soft corals, crustaceans, sponges, and hundreds of spectacular fish species.

This incredible variety is further enhanced by the Red Sea’s dramatic underwater landscapes, featuring steep walls, drop-offs, shipwrecks, and deep blue canyons.

Egyptian Red Sea

Which Red Sea Destination to Choose…

Regaldive provides a choice of ten Egyptian Red Sea resorts, along with a range of liveaboard options for those seeking to explore further. Sharm el Sheikh, Hurghada, and Marsa Alam are the gateways to the Red Sea, each offering a unique and distinct charm.

Hurghada presents a glimpse of authentic Egypt, with an excellent selection of dive sites located just a short boat ride away. The smaller resorts of El Gouna and Safaga are ideal for exploring the northern reefs and wrecks while being within easy reach of Hurghada.

The stunning coastline south of Hurghada has become a haven for tranquil, pristine diving. Direct flights into Marsa Alam throughout the winter have made it easier to access the impressive marine parks of the southern Red Sea.

For those seeking ultimate seclusion, the southernmost resort of Hamata offers unparalleled diving within relatively undisturbed reef systems.

The Choice is Yours…

No matter which destination is selected, a Red Sea holiday promises a blend of fantastic diving, beach relaxation, and cultural exploration. With over seven centuries of history, Egypt offers so much more than just diving.

The Red Sea is an ideal starting point for visiting the iconic Pyramids, taking a day trip to Cairo, star gazing with the Bedouins, or visiting the breathtaking city of Luxor on the banks of the Nile. The stunning scenery of the region features the rich seas contrasting with the stark beauty of the desert.

Whether the holiday is spent mostly above or below the waterline, disappointment is unlikely.

Regaldive also offers a variety of resorts and liveaboards in the Red Sea, providing everything a diver could desire. For a blend of experiences, their mini dive safaris combine liveaboard and resort-based diving, while land-based liveaboard trips allow guests to explore Sharm el Sheikh’s diving highlights while staying in beachside cabins.

Find out more about the diving Regaldive have to offer in the Red Sea here.

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Can reef conservation be both enjoyable and profitable?




At Wakatobi Dive Resort, guests are always thanked for coming to enjoy this special place, as it is their presence that creates the magic making ongoing reef conservation efforts a reality. “The more you know, the more you notice,” says in-house marine biologist Julia Mellers. “And what better place to learn about reef biodiversity and custodianship than in Wakatobi.”

“My main project for the first year is to establish a way of monitoring the health of Wakatobi’s reef ecosystem,” Julia says. “This will allow us to provide hard scientific proof that Wakatobi’s conservation model measurably benefits reef health. Holding a finger to the pulse of the reef will also assist management decisions, such as identifying priority areas for increased protection.”

Modern methods for reef management

The Wakatobi Reef Health Assessment program utilizes a customized set of modern imaging and data analysis techniques that provide a comprehensive indication of the state of a reef ecosystem. “We use the latest ecological theory, technology, and artificial intelligence to develop a novel package to efficiently and robustly measure reef health,” Julia says. “This will enable us to monitor how Wakatobi’s reefs are faring throughout the protected area without significantly diverting resources from protecting the reefs.”

The process begins in the water, capturing the reef’s sights, sounds, and landscape. Above water, Julia is developing and implementing analysis methods and training machine learning models to extract measures of reef health from captured data. When not on the island, she will research new approaches and ideas for coral reef assessment and help spread the word about Wakatobi’s scientific initiative.

“It’s an absolute privilege to work within a system that benefits both the reefs and the local people,” says Julia. “It also gives us a unique opportunity to assess and document reef health and dynamics within an ecosystem that is actually getting healthier. In stark contrast to declines in coral health recorded elsewhere, our scientific data is already beginning to demonstrate Wakatobi’s astonishing biodiversity – which is evident to anyone who ventures underwater at the resort.”

The program focuses on three indicators of reef health: the diversity of the reef community, which measures the variety and abundance of living organisms colonizing the reef surface; structural complexity, describing the degree to which the reefs incorporate elaborate details; and reef soundscapes, recording the noise a reef’s inhabitants make, including the snapping of shrimp and the feeding sounds of fish. By measuring these elements, it is possible to estimate how much life the habitat supports.

“Luckily, we don’t have to work all that out manually,” Julia says. Artificial intelligence plays a vital role. “I train machine learning models to identify signals of reef functioning that would otherwise be undetectable. For example, a model can be trained to recognize the sounds that characterize a healthy reef. This allows us to monitor the reefs at a scale, and with a thoroughness that would otherwise be inconceivable.”

Julia and the dive team have also started an eDNA survey of the reefs. ”This involves taking seawater samples near the reef at different depths and filtering them to trap environmental DNA (eDNA) that organisms shed into the water,” Julia explains. “The samples are now in a lab, where the DNA is labeled using probes and sequenced to identify which species are around. Using this technique, we should be able to detect hundreds of species from just a single litre of seawater. It’s a very cool process!”


A Wakatobi welcome

Julia says the Wakatobi team has been exceptionally supportive and welcoming. “They are able to maintain a totally laid-back atmosphere while coordinating an exceptionally professional operation.” She adds that Wakatobi feels remote in the best ways, with pristine reefs, peace, and quiet, while also being an extremely comfortable and well-connected place to work.

“Working within a system that works for the reefs because it works for the people is an absolute privilege,” she says. “It also gives us a unique opportunity to unpick reef health and dynamics within an ecosystem that is actually getting healthier. In stark contrast to declines recorded elsewhere, our scientific data is already beginning to demonstrate the astonishing biodiversity evident to anyone who ventures underwater at Wakatobi.”

The Wakatobi team has also proven to be an invaluable source of knowledge about the local ecosystem,” Julia says. “Wakatobi makes the perfect scientific laboratory. Being able to go from library to laptop to reef, all in the space of a hundred meters, is the perfect recipe for generating new ideas and trying them out. It is so exciting to work with open-minded innovators keen to try novel approaches and look at things from different angles.”

“Having such a dynamic team has meant that we’ve made progress quickly,” Julia says. “So far, we have a highly accurate machine learning model that classifies the reef community, a method to analyze the sounds that reef critters make, and a fully automatic way of measuring fish abundance. We are also in a position to add to this repertoire, trialing different techniques to quantify the complex 3D structure that corals make. We have added DNA analysis to the arsenal, which enables us to detect biodiversity invisible to the naked eye.”

From frogs to frogfish

Julia acquired her love of nature and biology from her parents, whom she describes as eco-friendly before the concept became trendy. “Camping, compost heaps, and Attenborough documentaries were features of a nature-centric English childhood. I raised pond-dwelling critters, peered down microscopes, and became transfixed by cephalopods.” Biology was an inevitable choice, she says, and the sea came into her life at a young age. “Having long been a sailor, with a family of sailors, I am at home at sea,” she says. “I took my first sip of compressed air at the bottom of a swimming pool in London and have spent as much time as possible eye-to-eye with octopuses since.”

After completing an undergraduate degree in biology at Oxford University, Julia shifted her Master’s focus to marine biology. It was a move she describes as swapping frogs for frogfish. “I went into marine biology because I see marine biological research as a powerful tool to connect people with the planet,” she says. “Of course, nature should be worth more to us preserved than destroyed – but if you can’t put a price on it, no one pays. Wakatobi has created an economic engine that financially incentivizes reef custodianship. This leads to an ideal scientific setting – demonstrably vibrant reefs linked to genuine socio-economic fairness.“

Julia’s Master’s project was done in collaboration with the Australian Institute of Marine Science and investigated mysterious bare rings of sand that surround reef patches within algal meadows. “We think these ‘reef halos’ form because foraging fish will only venture a short way from the shelter of a coral patch if they are under threat from patrolling sharks,” she says. “Since you can spot these halos from satellite images, they could be a neat way of keeping an eye on shark populations from space… and a possible addition to Wakatobi’s monitoring program”!

As the Reef Health Assessment program progresses, Julia will create new learning and participation opportunities for guests to enhance the depth and enjoyment of their Wakatobi experience. Wakatobi Dive Resort will also continue to provide updates and insights on the important work Julia and the rest of the Wakatobi team are doing to understand and protect some of the world’s most pristine and spectacular coral reefs.

Many thanks go to Wakatobi’s guests, whose continued enjoyment of the marine preserve helps keep ongoing reef protection efforts a reality!

Contact the team at or enquire >here.
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