The Wining and Diving series sees Nick and Caroline Robertson-Brown embark on a tour to tickle the taste buds as well as to discover amazing dive...
A week-long series from Jake Davies… Below the waves off the Welsh coast, there are a range of species and habitats that can be seen. However,...
In this exclusive Zoom interview, Jeff Goodman, Scubaverse Editor-at-Large, chats to Underwater Photographer and Author Marty Snyderman. Honored with the 2018 NOGI Award in the Arts...
The government has today signalled the end of the UK’s involvement in the global shark fin trade with an announcement that new legislation will require all...
The security of heritage assets is of the utmost importance; a monetary value cannot be attached to the significance of a site or its associated artefacts....
A week-long series from Jake Davies… Below the waves off the Welsh coast, there are a range of species and habitats that can be seen. However,...
We’d like to say a big thank you to all of you who entered our competition to win an Air Light Bag from Beuchat as a prize!...
Options for real life travel may be limited for the moment but Dive Worldwide have teamed up with their partners and suppliers in Tobago to give...
A week-long series from Jake Davies… Below the waves off the Welsh coast, there are a range of species and habitats that can be seen. However,...
Not only is Fiji an obvious choice for worldwide diving friends and divers in the know, easy to get to, safe, incredible diving and hospitality and...
In this new series on we are sharing Linden Wolbert’s video series ‘Mermaid Minute’. The “Mermaid Minute” is an ocean educational web series for children. Each action-packed...
We’d like to say a big thank you to all of you who entered our competition to win a Waterproof BODY 2X Power Stretch Hollow Fiber...