The twelfth and final film in our Wildlife Winners and Losers series from the former BBC Natural History Producer Richard Brock: Are Whales Winning? Our attitude...
The eleventh film in our Wildlife Winners and Losers series from the former BBC Natural History Producer Richard Brock: La Rochelle – Four Stories from the...
Marine biologist Simon Hilbourne and Oceans Festival UK are launching a new campaign called Fish Free February, challenging the public to protect our oceans by removing...
The tenth film in our series from the former BBC Natural History Producer Richard Brock: The World Of Turtles Part 2. These dinosaurs still visit beaches...
I recall from my first filming trip abroad over 45 years ago, people telling me that weather conditions were very unseasonal and how unusual it was...
The ninth film in our series from the former BBC Natural History Producer Richard Brock: The World Of Turtles Part 1. These dinosaurs still visit beaches...
The eighth film in our series from the former BBC Natural History Producer Richard Brock: Tuna Tragedy. Fished to near extinction, can this “superfish” survive, despite...
The beloved anemone fish popularized by the movies “Finding Nemo” and “Finding Dory” don’t have the genetic capacity to adapt to rapid changes in their environment,...
The seventh film in our series from the former BBC Natural History Producer Richard Brock: Being a Seal. Using a thin waveski, a biologist gets a...
In this exclusive video series, Scubaverse’s Jeff Goodman travels to the Cayman Islands to discover more about the diving there. In this video, Jeff meets Maisy...
The sixth film in our series from the former BBC Natural History Producer Richard Brock: Majorca’s Shark – The TRUTH. When a shark turned up amongst...
By Gemma Smith Here be Dragons warned medieval maps, as land gave way to uncharted oceans and their mysterious inhabitants. Well, as it turns out there...