In a new ongoing series on, Mark Milburn of Atlantic Scuba in Falmouth investigates the many shipwrecks that can be found around the UK’s Cornish...
Nick and Caroline Robertson-Brown from Frogfish Photography take a group of divers and underwater photographers to the Farne Islands to dive with some very special British...
In 1901 Admiral Sir Arthur Wilson, Controller of the Royal Navy, stated ‘Submarines are underhand, unfair and damned un-English. The crews of all Submarines should be...
The depth of a Highland Winter may seem an ill-advised time to embark on exploring the submerged passages of Uamh nan-Claigg ionn, The Cave of Skulls,...
Mike Anselmi, the owner of Porthkerris Dive Centre in Cornwall, said that the Helford River Estuary is one of the most popular dive sites in the...
INFO Type of Dive: Easy entry from the beach and short surface swim Experience: Suitable for novice divers Depth: Approx 10m at high tide Marine life:...
After months of winter and spring storms the sea is once again being kind to us and diving slowly becomes the norm rather than a frantic...
(The underwater photos in this article are screen grabs from video frames) I was told by a diver recently that he hated long poetic descriptions of...
One Friday evening, just as we had done for years, we went out for a dive. No-one could decide on a location, so we decided on...