Solo traveling elicits strong reactions, with some relishing the freedom it brings, while others shy away from the idea. The dichotomy lies between the autonomy of...
Nestled in the heart of Fiji, Beqa Lagoon is not just another dive destination; it’s a world-renowned haven for shark enthusiasts. Often hailed as the shark...
The allure of the sea, a passion for travel, a reverence for nature, an active lifestyle, and the joy of meeting people – these shared passions...
Jeremy from Sea to Sky tells us about his experience on Aziab Yacht Freediving, sailing, yoga, Red Sea… what a combination!! And combining all.. what an...
Sea to Sky is delighted to collaborate with Red Sea Diving Safari (RSDS), encompassing three distinct diving “villages” – Marsa Shagra, Marsa Nakari, and Wadi Lahami....
When it comes to planning your next diving vacation, you’re likely seeking a destination that combines outstanding underwater experiences with a variety of non-diving activities to...
Big Blue might seem like the new kid on the block, but the team behind the highly acclaimed Big Blue liveaboard is far from that. They...
A ‘Simply the Best’ itinerary with Scuba Travel is the perfect blend of relaxing diving, coupled with a more adrenalin fuelled adventure. By now, I should...
Crafting a blog about Wadi Sabarah has been a challenging yet rewarding endeavour, as this hidden gem embodies the essence of affordable luxury like no other...
The Scuba Place team hosted a group of 16 divers for a return visit to Bonaire in August 2023. They first visited Bonaire in 2021 during...
The team from dive tour operator Sea to Sky head to Oman to experience diving with the vast variety of marine life on offer there…. As...
After joining Scuba Travel for a “Simply the Best” itinerary in the Red Sea, I’ve been debating how to break down my blogs and how to...