Dive Friends teaches the Instructor Development Course (IDC) several times a year to students who are eager to share their passion for diving with the world. Dive Friends...
In a video created exclusively for Scubaverse.com, Jeff Goodman visits SOMABAY in the Egyptian Red Sea to experience the diving on offer there. Book your next...
In a video filmed exclusively for Scubaverse.com, Jeff Goodman interviews Wolfgang Clausen, General Manager, ORCA Dive Clubs at SOMABAY in the Egyptian Red Sea. Book your...
In a video filmed exclusively for Scubaverse.com, Jeff Goodman interviews Stefan Reichl, General Manager of The Breakers Diving & Surfing Lodge at SOMABAY in the Egyptian...
Introduction to Scubility Being a scuba diving professional, I am always fascinated by the beauty of the underwater world, filled with colorful coral and a variety...
In this series, the Shark Trust will be sharing amazing facts about different species of sharks and what you can do to help protect them. This...
Protecting (Dutch) Caribbean Reefs from Unomia stolonifera Recent reports highlight the concerning spread of the invasive soft coral, Unomia stolonifera, currently devastating Venezuela’s marine ecosystems and...
I was looking forward to this trip organised by Deco Divers, Mozambique Scuba and hosted by Gozo Azul in Ponta D’Ouro for various reasons, the main...
The Bahamas are famous amongst divers around the world as being one of the best places in the world to dive with sharks – lots of...
This January The Scuba Place visited Ambon, Raja Ampat and Lembeh hosting a group of divers. They stayed at some amazing resorts and saw some amazing...
In this digital age, SSI makes keeping up with technology a priority. Over the years, we have seen more and more divers invest in a personal...
March is Seagrass Awareness Month, and there has never been a more critical time to act to protect seagrass communities across Florida and call to action...