The eighth film in our series from the former BBC Natural History Producer Richard Brock: Tuna Tragedy. Fished to near extinction, can this “superfish” survive, despite...
The seventh film in our series from the former BBC Natural History Producer Richard Brock: Being a Seal. Using a thin waveski, a biologist gets a...
The sixth film in our series from the former BBC Natural History Producer Richard Brock: Majorca’s Shark – The TRUTH. When a shark turned up amongst...
The fifth film in our series from the former BBC Natural History Producer Richard Brock is part two of a series of two: Right Whale and Osprey...
The fourth film in our series from the former BBC Natural History Producer Richard Brock is part one of a series of two: Right Whale and Osprey...
Here is the third film in our new series from the former BBC Natural History Producer Richard Brock: The Puffin Picture – Plus Plastic. The Puffin Picture...
Here is the second film in our new series from the former BBC Natural History Producer Richard Brock: Diary of a Ghost Net. Ghost nets? Across all...
Richard Brock worked in the BBC Natural History Unit for 35 years producing, among others, the highly successful Life on Earth and Living Planet series with...
It can seem overwhelming trying to make a difference to the health of our oceans when you consider the scale of ocean pollution, but there are...
A guest article from marine biologist María Laura Marcías… Given the current environmental problems we can all pretty much agree that we are facing a crisis....
In the last few Blogs I’ve covered our Main Tank here at Blue Planet quite extensively, but I haven’t really managed to show you some of...
In this exclusive video, Scubaverse Editor-at-large Jeff Goodman talks to Sea Shepherd UK about their Ghostnet Campaign and the exciting new launch of the Scuba Diving...