Mermaiding in the UK is becoming more popular, and with it an industry is being built around it. Education, public performances, trips, children’s parties and with...
I have been a Scuba diver and snorkeller for over 20 years. I met my first real Freedivers on a course in 2003 at the 28...
What better way to kick start the Great British Freediving season for Freediving 2000 than to head down to Cornwall for Scubafest 2014? From Saturday 3rd to...
I was freelancing as a cameraman and sound engineer for Swedish television back in early 2000 and my good fortune landed me several jobs abroad, one...
FOREWORD: If you want to try freediving, take a recognized freediving course. Never, ever freedive alone or without an experienced dive buddy. Amongst the garbage-filled, dusty...