Next in the series of weekly videos from Divers Ready! If you’re a newly qualified Scuba Diving Instructor, you’re going to want to watch this! Congrats...
Next in the series of weekly videos from Divers Ready! Underwater noise makers. Scuba Tank Bangers. Lobster sticks. Dive Alerts. I’ve confiscated them all in my time. Because if...
Next in the series of weekly videos from Divers Ready! What makes an ‘Experienced’ Scuba Diver? Experience is relative, right? In a sport like Scuba Diving, where...
Next in the series of weekly videos from Divers Ready! SMB. DSMB. Safety Sausage. Whatever you call it, it could save your life one day, as...
Next in the series of weekly videos from Divers Ready! Some Dive Master Internships get a bad rap for using DMTs (Dive Master Trainees) as free...
Next in the series of weekly videos from Divers Ready! What’s in your Save-A-Dive kit? Here is practical information that can save- your-dive! And Key Largo’s...
Here is the third in a series of weekly videos from our fantastic new contributor Divers Ready! Here’s three options for the Solo or Buddy-less Scuba Diver...
By Margarita Solotskaya Meditation is getting more and more popular in the western world. Many successful people use this method to help achieve their goals. Meditation...
Technology improves all of the time, whether this change is made for ease, convenience or safety; as instructors we should be using these improvements to our...
I’m Already a Freediving Instructor – What is involved? With PFI – Performance Freediving International – joining the International Training family, we get this question a...
By Harry Averill Dramatically improve your compass course accuracy. It’s been a long and relaxing dive. You and your buddies have gone from one coral head...
We teach it on our rescue courses. The majority of errors are due to divers rushing and not paying attention. A series of issues will occur…...