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Tony Wu tops Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2022 underwater winners



The Underwater category of Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2022 has been won by Tony Wu with his image ‘Shooting star’ (pictured above). Tony, who describes himself as ‘a photographer who takes photos (mostly) underwater’, took the winning image of a spawning sea star in Kinko Bay, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.

As the surrounding water filled with sperm and eggs from spawning sea stars, Tony faced several challenges. Stuck in a small, enclosed bay with only a macro lens for photographing small subjects, he backed up to squeeze the undulating sea star into his field of view, in this galaxy-like scene.

The ‘dancing’ posture of spawning sea stars rising and swaying may help release eggs and sperm, or may help sweep the eggs and sperm into the currents where they fertilise together in the water.

Technical details: Nikon D850 + 105mm f2.8 lens; 1/250 sec at f18; ISO 320; Nauticam housing; Backscatter Mini Flash 1 + Inon S2000 + Z240 strobes; RGBlue compact tripod

Tony Wu was one of 19 category winners in this year’s competition that saw underwater and marine images feature highly throughout the awards.

Amongst the Highly Commended images in the Underwater category was an image by Belgian photographer Ellen Cuylaerts.

Liquid silver by Ellen Cuylaerts, Belgium

Highly Commended, Underwater

Ellen Cuylaerts / Wildlife Photographer of the Year

Ellen Cuylaerts is surrounded by schools of glittering silversides swirling around their predators.

The moment Ellen learnt the silversides were back, she grabbed her diving gear. Surrounded by schools of the small fish zipping apart to let the larger Atlantic tarpons through felt like ‘swimming through silver curtains’.

In summer, thousands of silversides arrive from deeper waters to lay their eggs on the sandy shores around Grand Cayman. By day they hide in grottos between coral reefs – but they are not free from danger as predatory tarpons lurk there too.

Location: Devil’s Grotto, George Town, Cayman Islands

Technical details: Nikon D800 + 16mm f2.8 lens; 1/160 sec at f7.1; ISO 500; Nauticam housing; Sea & Sea YS-250 strobes.

Well-known UK photographer Alex Mustard, a frequent winner at the awards, scored a High Commended in the Plants and Fungi category.

Seaweed symmetry by Alex Mustard, UK

Highly Commended, Plants and Fungi

Alex Mustard / Wildlife Photographer of the Year

Alex Mustard finds the perfect conditions to showcase the beauty of seaweed.

Confined to the UK coast during the Covid-19 pandemic, Alex developed a love of seaweeds. This image, showing colourful fronds of bootlace seaweed reaching for the light, took planning and precise conditions: a high tide, clear water, calm weather and sunshine.

Bootlace seaweed is hollow, allowing gas to accumulate towards its tip and keep it afloat. Seaweeds forming underwater kelp forests play important roles as foundations for coastal habitats, feeding and sheltering hundreds of marine animals.

Location: Kimmeridge Bay, Dorset, UK

Technical details: Nikon D850 + 28–70mm lens; 1/40 sec at f16; ISO 160; Subal housing + Nauticam WACP-1 lens; 2x Retra Pro strobes.

Winner in the Portfolio category was French photographer Laurent Ballesta with his portfolio of six images – ‘Under Antarctic ice’ – taken in Adélie Land, Antarctica.

Laurent Ballesta endures below-freezing dives to reveal the diversity of life beneath Antarctica’s ice. An underwater photographer and biologist, Laurent has led a series of major expeditions, all involving scientific mysteries and diving challenges, and all resulting in unprecedented images. He has won multiple prizes in Wildlife Photographer of the Year, including the grand title award in 2021.

His expedition to Antarctica, exploring its vast underwater biodiversity, took two years to plan, a team of expert divers, and specially developed kit. His 32 dives in water temperature down to -1.7˚C (29°F) included the deepest, longest dive ever made in Antarctica.

Pyramid of life by Laurent Ballesta, France

Laurent Ballesta / Wildlife Photographer of the Year

Living towers of marine invertebrates punctuate the seabed off Adelie Land, 32 metres (105 feet) under East Antarctic ice. Here, at the centre, a tree-shaped sponge is draped with life, from giant ribbon worms to sea stars.

Technical details: Nikon D810 + 13mm f2.8 lens; 1/13 sec at f16; ISO 800; Seacam housing; 2x Seacam strobes.

Wildlife Photographer of the Year is developed and produced by The Natural History Museum, London.  In an intensive process, 38,575 entries from 93 countries were judged anonymously by an international panel of experts on their originality, narrative, technical excellence, and ethical practice. Dr  Doug  Gurr,  Director  of  the  Natural  History  Museum  comments:

“Wildlife  photographers  offer  us unforgettable glimpses into the lives of wild species, sharing unseen details, fascinating behaviours and front-line reporting on the climate and biodiversity crises. These images demonstrate their awe of and appreciation for the natural world and the urgent need to take action to protect it.”

The redesigned flagship exhibition which is now open at the Natural History Museum, London, positions the photographs among short videos, quotes from jury members and photographers as well as insights from Museum scientists to invite visitors to explore how human actions continue to shape the natural world. Sponsored by global green energy company Ørsted, it runs until 2nd July 2023 and will later tour the UK and internationally.

The 59th Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition will open for entries from photographers of all ages, nationalities and  levels on Monday 17th October 2022.

For more information, please visit here:

Header Image: Tony Wu / Wildlife Photographer of the Year


Coming Soon – 52 Assignments



52 Assignments

Underwater Photography By Alex Mustard

In this new book in the bestselling 52 Assignments series we take a dive into the world of underwater photography with a practical guide that will allow photographers to capture images from completely different angles. Intrepid underwater photographers can explore all the ways they can get creative with their craft following the advice of one of the world’s most celebrated underwater photographers. This book is a mission brief, a portfolio of photographic workshops, a personalized journal and an inspirational guide to putting the creativity back into your craft. It is filled with a year’s worth of weekly commissions and concepts for conceiving and composing exciting photos beneath the waves. The assignments range from getting the perfect supermacro shot of life on the seabed to creative use of the available light for moody photos of wrecks. Whether you’re just getting your feet wet with underwater photography or you are a seasoned pro looking for some fresh ideas, you’ll find an assignment here that will teach and inspire you.

This isn’t a book to simply read, it is a book for those who really want to develop skills and improve.” – Alex Mustard

Full of technical advice and professional tips, 52 Assignments: Underwater Photography includes journal space for you to add your own notes, lists and tech specs, creating a unique journal in which you can record the journey you have made with your imagery. Complete the assignments weekend by weekend over the course of a year, or dip in every time you need to.

The book will be published on the 8th October by Ammonite Press.

RRP: £12.99

Watch out for our review here on Scubaverse!

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NovoScuba’s Game-Changing Approach for Dive Store Owners: WE PAY YOU!




novoscubaThe diving world thrives on passion and adventure, but for many dive store owners, the financial and operational challenges can be as deep as the ocean.

NovoScuba, an emerging force in the diving world, is on a mission to transform this landscape for the better. With a revolutionary approach to dive store and training agency partnerships, NovoScuba is setting new standards for how dive stores can thrive while keeping their focus on delivering exceptional diving experiences.


A New Paradigm: NovoScuba’s Bold Mission

NovoScuba’s mission is straightforward yet profound: to disrupt the traditional dynamics between dive store owners and training agencies. Traditionally, dive stores have been subjected to substantial fees charged by training agencies, for membership, materials and certifications. These costs have often placed a heavy financial burden on store owners, cutting into their profits and limiting their ability to offer competitive prices to customers.

NovoScuba flips the script by offering a model where dive stores earn money, instead of paying high fees. Dive stores receive commissions for every student they register, and their certification costs are covered. This new model not only boosts profitability but also ensures clients get top-quality training at unbeatable prices.

Financial Upsides: Earn From Student Registration

NovoScuba’s approach is simple yet revolutionary. Dive stores partnering with NovoScuba can earn commissions for every student they enroll.

Here’s how it works: For every student enrolled through NovoScuba, dive stores receive a commission. Each student enrolled will receive their e-learning materials and certification credit included in their subscription. This arrangement is a significant departure from the traditional model, where dive stores often struggle to manage high overhead costs related to training fees and certification expenses.


NovoScuba’s approach ensures that dive stores can focus on what they do best—providing top-notch diving experiences—without being bogged down by excessive financial burdens, and the need to carry large stocks of materials.

Quality Training at a Great Price

NovoScuba stands out by offering high-quality, ISO certified, training that doesn’t break the bank, in fact our students will pay less than with most competing agencies. Clients benefit from top-notch education and safety standards at competitive prices. Dive store owners can confidently promote NovoScuba’s programs, knowing they’re offering fantastic training at affordable rates. This balance of quality and affordability helps dive stores build a strong reputation and attract more customers.

Your Brand is Your Business: NovoScuba’s Commitment to Showcasing Your Identity

At NovoScuba, we understand that your brand is your most valuable asset, and we’re committed to putting it front and centre. Unlike agencies that charge high fees to promote their own brand, we believe in investing in yours. With NovoScuba, you won’t be paying to advertise someone else’s logo alone, — our focus is on showcasing your unique identity. Certifications prominently feature your brand, as well as the training agency, reinforcing your store’s image and brand every step of the way. We’re here to support and elevate your brand, ensuring that your investment directly benefits your business.

Affordable Membership: An Investment in Your Success

NovoScuba’s membership model is designed with dive store owners in mind. Membership fees are kept low and include annual Pro member fees for your team. Payment can be made monthly or annually in your local currency, avoiding the hassle of exchange rate fluctuations. NovoScuba promises no exchange rate changes without a six-month notice, ensuring financial stability and simplifying budgeting. With a membership lasting 12 months from date of joining, you’ll enjoy a full year of NovoScuba’s benefits and support.

Streamlined Operations: Simplifying Your Workload

Handling administrative tasks can be a challenge, but NovoScuba makes it easier. We’ve streamlined certification procedures and reduced paperwork to help dive stores operate more efficiently. Certification processing is quick and straightforward, allowing more focus on teaching and customer service. Our system minimises bureaucracy by storing necessary forms in student profiles, reducing paperwork and administrative delays.

Crossover Made Easy

For dive stores looking to transition to NovoScuba’s model, the crossover process is designed to be smooth and hassle-free. NovoScuba provides support to ensure that the transition is as seamless as possible, helping dive store owners integrate into the new system with minimal disruption. Experienced dive Pros don’t need to undergo extensive retraining. Our crossover is designed to familiarise Pros with NovoScuba’s user-friendly platform, standards and course structures, and not to waste time and expense re-training in water.

With just a few simple steps, you’ll be ready to offer top-notch training through NovoScuba.

Comprehensive Business Support and Training Included in Your Membership

NovoScuba goes beyond financial benefits by offering experienced support and training. This value added service includes:

  • Business Training: Optimise your operations with guidance on marketing, customer service, and best practices.
  • Marketing and Promotion: Access resources to attract new customers and boost your store’s visibility. Enjoy cross promotions with NovoScuba to gain increased exposure.
  • Ongoing Support: NovoScuba’s commitment to its partners extends beyond initial training and setup. The company offers ongoing support to address any issues or questions that arise. This continuous support ensures that dive store owners have a reliable resource to turn to whenever they need assistance.


Embracing Digital Natives: Instant Evolution and Continuous Improvement

NovoScuba’s digital-native approach is a game-changer. Leveraging cutting-edge technology, we ensure our services evolve and improve swiftly. Dive stores benefit from instant updates, the latest features, enhancements, and effective solutions, keeping them ahead of the curve. This continuous improvement helps dive stores stay competitive and deliver exceptional services. Whether it’s a new course update, additional marketing resources, or improved e-learning functions, NovoScuba’s digital infrastructure ensures that dive stores are always equipped with the most current and effective solutions. This continuous evolution not only helps dive stores stay ahead in a competitive market but also ensures they consistently provide top-quality services to their clients.

Why Is NovoScuba Doing This? – Fair Profit Sharing for Greater Access and Growth

At NovoScuba, we’ve taken a bold step by paying commissions to stores rather than following the traditional model of training agencies charging high fees. Our mission is to make diving accessible to everyone and to foster a growing community of new divers and continued education. By redistributing profits more equitably between stores and training agencies, we aim to create a more supportive and collaborative environment within the industry. We believe this approach not only helps individual stores thrive but also stimulates overall growth and innovation in diving. Our commitment to fair profit sharing reflects our dedication to the long-term health and expansion of the diving community.


Everyone is getting a piece of the pie.

Getting Started: Join the NovoScuba Revolution

Ready to revolutionise your dive store experience? NovoScuba is here to support your journey toward reduced costs, increased profitability, and enhanced operational efficiency. Get in touch with our team to learn how NovoScuba can transform your business.

For more information, email or visit

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